We allow ponies & cobs from any of the purebred sections to be breed together and the resulting foals are put in to one of these sections according to the following table.
A Section A mated to a Section A is registered as a Section A
A Section A mated to a Section B is registered as a Section B
A Section A mated to a Section C is registered as a Section C
A Section A mated to a Section D is registered as a Section C
A Section B mated to a Section B is registered as a Section B
A Section B mated to a Section C is registered as a Section C
A Section B mated to a Section D is registered as a Section C or Section D
A Section C mated to a Section C is registered as a Section C
A Section C mated to a Section D is registered as a Section C or Section D
A Section D mated to a Section D is registered as a Section D
We also allow matings between Purebred and Partbred Sections. However once a Purebred is mated to a Partbred the resulting foals and their progeny will always be Partbreds.
The foals are put in to one of the Partbred sections according to the following table.
A Purebred mated to a WPB (50%) is registered as a WPB
A Purebred mated to a 25%WPB is registered as a WPB
A Purebred mated to a non welsh is registered as a WPB
Please ensure you complete the registration form and put the correct section for you foal.
Please check your Registration Certificate when you received it to ensure your foal is in the correct section